Sand dunes
Golden Canyon
Ubehebe Crater
Death Valley , California - Nevada - USA , photos fotos photo foto pictures images
Death Valley national monument is located in eastcentral California in the middle of border with Nevada. To visit it is a car necessary. Be sure that car is in good condition , has enough gasoline and water.
In summer can be there over 120 F = 50 C warm. There are gas stations in Furnace Creek , Scottys Castle , Stovepipe Wells. The salty lake in floor of Death Valley is mostly dry salty surface and
near of Badwater has level -87 meters below sea level , it is the lowest point of Americas. The highest point of Death Valley is on soutwestern border Telescope Peak 3368 m. In northend near Scottys Castle
is volcanic Ubehebe Crater , 722 m in diameter , 1000 years old. Other point of interest : sand dunes 6 km northeast of Stovepipe Wells , south of Furnace Creek : Golden Canyon , Zabriskie Point overlook ,
Dantes View overlook. Visitor center is in Furnace Creek , there are : restaurant , souvenirs , books , videos and postcards. Park has 9 campgrounds. 3 campings are open all year : Furnace Creek ,
Mesquite Spring , Wildrose and 3 open April-October : Texas Spring , Sunset , Stovepipe Wells and 3 open April-October : Emigrant , Thorndike , Mahogany. Hotels are in Stovepipe Wells and Furnace Creek.
From the northern entrance near Scottys Castle to the southern entrance near Ashford Mill it is 180 km on the asphalt road.
Links , national park visitor center information : death.valley.national-park Death Valley narodni park lezi ve vychodni centralni Kalifornii , uprostred hranice s Nevadou. Na navstevu je nutne auto. Budte si jisti , ze mate auto v dobrem stavu a dostatek benzinu a vody.
V lete tam muze byt pres 50 C horko. Benzinove pumpy jsou v Furnace Creek , Scottys Castle , Stovepipe Wells. Slane jezero na dne Udoli Smrti je casto sucha slana plocha a blizko Badwater ma hladinu -87 metru
pod hladinou more , je to nejhlubsi misto Amerik. Nejvyssi bod Udoli Smrti je na jihozapadnim okraji Telescope Peak 3368 m. Na severnim konci blizko Scottys Castle je vulkanicky Ubehebe Krater , 722 m v prumeru ,
1000 let stary. Dalsi pozoruhodnosti : pisecne duny 6 km severovychodne od Stovepipe Wells , jizne od Furnace Creek : Golden Canyon , Zabriskie Point vyhled , Dantes View vyhled. Navstevni stredisko je ve Furnace Creek ,
tam je : restaurace , souveniry , knihy , videa a pohlednice. Park ma 9x camping. 3 campingy jsou otevreny cely rok : Furnace Creek , Mesquite Spring , Wildrose a 3 otevreny duben-rijen : Texas Spring , Sunset ,
Stovepipe Wells a 3 otevreny duben-rijen : Emigrant , Thorndike , Mahogany. Hotel je v Stovepipe Wells a Furnace Creek.
Od severniho vchodu u Scottys Castle k jiznimu vchodu u Ashford Mill je to 180 km po asfaltce.
Grand Canyon map Monument Valley mapa Yosemite Valley map Death Valley mapa Niagara Falls map
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