Oahu photos :
1. + 2. Polynesian Cultural Center in Laie on north end of Oahu with houses , dances
and activities of all parts of Polynesian islands between Hawaii and New
Zealand and with entrance fee about 29 $ adult and 19 $ children 5 - 11 years.
Under 5 years children have it free of charge.
The bus from Honolulu till the end of Oahu costs perhaps till today only 1,50 dollar
3. + 4. Waimea River and Waimea Falls in Waimea Falls Park , the largest botanical
garden of Oahu , with the high entrance fee 25 $ for adult and 12,50 $ for children
4 - 12 years and free under 4 years and free shuttle bus inside.
Oahu fotos :
1. + 2. Polynesian Cultural Center v Laie na severnim konci Oahu s domky , tanci a
aktivitami ze vsech Polynezkych ostrovu mezi Havaji and Novym
Zelandem se vstupnim poplatkem asi 29 $ pro dospele a pro 19 $ deti 5 - 11 let.
Do 5 let deti to maji zdarma.
Autobus od Honolulu az na konec ostrova Oahu stoji snad az do dnes jen 1,50 dolaru
3. + 4. Reka Waimea River a vodopady Waimea Falls ve Waimea Falls Parku , nejvetsi botanicke
zahrade ostrova Oahu , s vysokym vstupnym 25 $ pro dospele a 12,50 $ pro deti
4 - 12 let a zdarma pro deti do 4 let , unvnitr jezdi zdarma okruzni autobus.
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